

2009年在山东大学物理学基地班获得学士学位;2015年在中国科学院物理所获得博士学位;博士毕业后,在美国IBM Almaden研究中心从事学术访问和博士后研究工作;2021年加入物理所,任特聘研究员,博士生导师。


主要利用电子自旋共振扫描隧道显微术在单原子尺度上对量子材料进行表征和调控,并进行基于单原子/单分子的量子探测和量子模拟等方向的研究工作。实验手段上结合了两种重要的成像和探测技术:扫描隧道显微镜技术(Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, STM)和电子自旋共振技术(Electron Spin Resonance, ESR),用原子级的精度和纳电子伏特的能量分辨率来探测量子材料的磁性和自旋性质,为理解和揭示量子材料的强关联物理提供有用思路。


发表SCI论文三十余篇,其中以第一作者身份发表Science一篇、Nature Nanotechnology一篇、Nature Communications两篇、Physical Review Letters三篇,相关成果被Nature、Nature Nanotechnology等学术期刊高亮报道。主要工作和成果如下:

1) 固体表面单原子自旋态的量子相干调控。首次将STM的原子分辨和搬运能力与脉冲式电子自旋共振技术(Pulsed ESR)结合在一起,实现了表面单个磁性原子自旋态的量子相干控制,证明了固体表面的单原子可以作为一个量子比特,并展示了双原子量子比特的基本的量子逻辑门操控。

2) 相互作用自旋体系的量子态的探测和调控。首次提出了基于固体表面自旋1/2原子的磁性模拟平台,表征和调控了自旋之间的磁偶极和交换相互作用,展示了如何通过将两个纠缠态作为一个量子比特来延长系统的量子相干时间;并首次在固体表面构筑并实现了"共振价键态(Resonating Valence Bond states)"。

3) 单个原子的核磁共振谱线的测量。利用超精细相互作用和自旋极化电流实现了单个原子核自旋的极化,并首次利用STM测量了固体表面单个原子的NMR谱线,从而将NMR技术的研究对象从传统的统计性宏观集体提高到了单个原子。

4) 单分子器件中电子输运通道的调控。在基于磁性单分子的器件中,利用磁场对电子输运通道进行选择,实现了单分子尺度巨磁阻效应的调控,并获得了高达93%的分子电导的变化,为未来单分子自旋电子器件在量子信息存储与计算领域的应用开辟了新的途径。

5) 基于单个原子的信息存储。利用自旋极化扫描隧道显微镜技术,对氧化物表面的单个钬原子的自旋态进行了读取和控制,成功的用单个原子存储了一个比特的信息,相应的信息存储密度是目前硬盘的大约500倍。


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[1] K. Yang*, S. Phark, Y. Bae, T, Esat, P. Willke, A. Ardavan, J. Lado, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. Heinrich* and C. Lutz*, Probing resonating valence bond states in artificial quantum magnets. Nature Communications 12, 993 (2021) *通讯作者

[2] K. Yang*, W. Paul, S. Phark, P. Willke, Y. Bae, T. Choi, T, Esat, A. Ardavan, A. Heinrich* and C. Lutz*, Coherent spin manipulation of individual atoms on a surface. Science 366, 509 (2019) *通讯作者

[3] K. Yang, W. Paul, F. Natterer, J. Lado, Y. Bae, P. Willke, T. Choi, A. Ferrón, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Tuning the exchange bias on a single atom from 1 mT to 10 T. Physical Review Letters 122, 227203 (2019) (Editors' Suggestion)

[4] K. Yang, H. Chen, T. Pope, Y. Hu, L. Liu, D. Wang, L. Tao, W. Xiao, X. Fei, Y.-Y. Zhang, H.-G. Luo, S. Du, T. Xiang, W. Hofer and H.-J. Gao. Tunable giant magnetoresistance in a single-molecule junction. Nature Communications 10, 3599 (2019)

[5] K. Yang, P. Willke, Y. Bae, A. Ferrón, J. Lado, A. Ardavan, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Electrically controlled nuclear polarization of individual atoms. Nature Nanotechnology 13, 1120 (2018) (News & Views亮点文章)

[6] K. Yang, Y. Bae, W. Paul, F. Natterer, P. Willke, J. Lado, A. Ferrón, T. Choi, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Engineering the eigenstates of coupled spin-1/2 atoms on a surface. Physical Review Letters 119, 227206 (2017)

[7] Y. Bae#, K. Yang#, P. Willke, T. Choi, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Enhanced quantum coherence in exchange coupled spins via singlet-triplet transitions. Science Advances 4, eaau4159 (2018) #共同一作

[8] F. Natterer, K. Yang, W. Paul, P. Willke, T. Choi, T. Greber, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Reading and writing single-atom magnets. Nature 543, 226 (2017) (News & Views亮点文章)

[9] P. Willke, K. Yang, Y. Bae, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Magnetic resonance imaging of single atoms on a surface. Nature Physics 15, 1005 (2019)

[10] W. Paul, K. Yang, S. Baumann, N. Romming, T. Choi, C. Lutz and A. Heinrich, Control of the millisecond spin lifetime of an electrically probed atom. Nature Physics 13, 403 (2017)

[11] L. Liu#, K. Yang#, Y. Jiang#, B. Song#, W. Xiao, S. Song, S. Du, M. Ouyang, W. A. Hofer, A. H. Castro Neto and H.-J. Gao, Revealing the atomic site-dependent g factor within a single magnetic molecule via the extended Kondo effect. Physical Review Letters 114, 126601 (2015) (封面文章) #共同一作

[12] P. Willke, Y. Bae, K. Yang, J. Lado, A. Ferrón, T. Choi, A. Ardavan, J. Fernández-Rossier, A. Heinrich and C. Lutz, Hyperfine interaction of individual atoms on a surface. Science 362, 336 (2018)

[13] K. Yang, L. Liu, L. Zhang, W. Xiao, X. Fei, H. Chen, S. Du, K.-H. Ernst and H.-J. Gao, Reversible achiral-to-chiral switching of single Mn–phthalocyanine molecules by thermal hydrogenation and inelastic electron tunneling dehydrogenation. ACS Nano 8, 2246 (2014)

[14] K. Yang, W. Xiao, Y. Jiang, H. Zhang, L. Liu, J. Mao, H. Zhou, S. Du and H.-J. Gao, Molecule–substrate coupling between metal phthalocyanines and epitaxial graphene grown on Ru(0001) and Pt(111). The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 14052 (2012)

[15] L. Liu#, K. Yang#, Y. Jiang#, B. Song, W. Xiao, L. Li, H. Zhou, Y. Wang, S. Du, M. Ouyang, W. A. Hofer, A. H. Castro Neto and H.-J. Gao, Reversible single spin control of individual magnetic molecule by hydrogen atom adsorption. Scientific Reports 3, 1210 (2013) #共同一作






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