



  • 发展高精度凝胶色谱技术,规模化提纯单一手性碳纳米管,
  • 单一手性碳纳米管光学、电学、光电性质等基本物性探测与调控;
  • 探索单一手性碳纳米管在光子、电子以及传感器等功能器件方面的应用。


1. 围绕碳纳米管性质探测和碳基芯片的应用,针对碳纳米管在原子尺度上结构难以控制这个难题,开创了凝胶色谱法宏量分离碳纳米管手性结构新途径,实现了从金属性/半导体性碳纳米管分离到单一手性碳纳米管分离,再到单一手性碳纳米管镜像体分离,揭示了凝胶色谱技术分离碳纳米管结构的机制,通过优化和发展,实现了近20种单一手性碳纳米管及镜像体的毫克量级分离制备,为单一结构均一性质碳纳米管产业化制备奠定了技术基础,为碳基电子、光电子学的发展以及碳基芯片应用提供了重要的材料基础。Science Advances 2024, 10, eadn6519, 通讯;Science advances, 2021, 7, eabe0084,通讯; Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 1261, 通讯;Nat. Commun., 2011, 2, 309,一作; ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 8393, 通讯;Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 6237,一作;Nano Lett., 2013, 13, 1996,一作;Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2419702,通讯; Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27, 1700278,通讯; Adv. Sci. 2022, 9, 2200054, 通讯;Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 507,160630, 通讯;Small, 2024, 20, 2400303, 通讯;Carbon 2024, 222, 119000, 通讯;Carbon, 2023, 207, 129, 通讯;Nano Research 2022, 15, 5775, 通讯; ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019, 2, 343,通讯; J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 9270,一作;J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126, 3787,通讯; Nanoscale 2015, 7, 16273,通讯;Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1700727通讯Phys. Status Solidi B 2024, 2400322,通讯)

相关成果引起了国内外同行广泛关注,目前凝胶色谱法已发展成为碳纳米管分离提纯的主要方法之一。MIT科技评论,深科技,AZO Nano, Nanowerk News,科技部、中科院研究进展专栏先后对相关成果进行了报道,并入选“国家十三五科技创新成就展”。

2. 围绕碳纳米管在光电器件方面的应用,利用光吸收谱、荧光光谱、拉曼光谱等探测了不同结构碳纳米管在电场作用下的光学跃迁行为、不同手性碳纳米管之间的耦合效应(再吸收和激子管间转移),揭示了碳纳米管带内跃迁等离子激元和碳纳米管荧光量子效率与其结构依存关系,为碳纳米管光电器件的设计和制备提供了物理基础和科学指导。Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 2107489, 通讯; Carbon, 2020, 163, 370-378通讯;Nano Res. 2023,16,1820, 通讯;Nano Res. 2020, 13, 1149, 通讯;Analytical Methods, 2020, 12, 2376, 通讯)

3. 围绕碳纳米管光电器件的制备,发展了晶圆尺寸均匀碳纳米管薄膜的快速制备,转移以及洁净技术,揭示了碳纳米管电学输运性能与其手性结构的依存关系,验证了碳纳米管柔性发光器件优异的性能,构建了具有线性放大能力的碳纳米管薄膜级联光电器件集成单元,探索了半导体碳纳米管/量子点复合薄膜光电性能与其直径的依存关系,为高性能碳纳米管光电器件的构建奠定了技术基础。Nature Communications 2023, 14,1672, 通讯;ACS Nano, 2010, 2010, 4, 933,一作;ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 3462, 通讯;Carbon, 2024, 218, 118750 通讯;Carbon, 2020, 163, 370-378,通讯;Nano Res. 2023, 16, 12662通讯;ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2025, 8, 486 通讯; Nanotechnology 2017, 28, 435203, 通讯)

在Science Advances(4),Nature communications(5),Nano Letters(4), ACS Nano(4),Advanced Functional Materials(4) 等国际知名期刊发表论文100余篇,单篇最高他900余次,授权日本专利和美国专利各2项、中国专利14项,在重要国内外学术会议做邀请报告30余次;参与编制《国家标准》2 项,作为项目负责人正在主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然基金委重点国际合作项目、中科院前沿重点项目等。


  • 国家级(WR)科技创新领军人才 (2024)
  • Springer Nature 旗下Discover Nano期刊编委 (2024)
  • 中国新材料产业峰会纳米碳材料分会主席(2023.10) 
  • 国家“十三五”科技创新成就展 (2021)
  • 国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家(2020)
  •  第五届纳米之星创新创业大赛团队组二等奖(2019)
  • 日本产业技术综合研究所"AIST Best Paper Award"(2014)
  • 国家级海外青年人才(QR)(2012)
  • 中国科学院百人计划 (2012)
  • 中日韩国际纳米会议“Best poster award”(2012)
  • 日本飯島賞(2011)
  • 中日韩国际纳米会议“Best poster award”(2011)
  • 国际理论物理中心TRIL奖学金(2006)
  • 香港求是基金会研究生奖学金(2006)



  1. X. Lv (Co-first author), L.H. Li (Co-first author), Z.Y. Han, Q.R. Wu, F.F. Cheng, M.Y. Wang, G.D. Xu, H. Liu*, M.S. He*, Yttrium-Catalyzed Growth of Enriched (6, 4) and (6, 5) Carbon Nanotubes for Their High-Efficiency Separation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 507,160630.
  2. F.Q. Han (Co-first author), L.H. Li (Co-first author), L. Qian, Y. Gao, Q.R. Wu, Z. Wang, H. Liu*, J. Zhang, M.S. He*,  High-Temperature Growth of Chirality-Enriched, Highly Crystalline Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient Single-Chirality Separation, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2419702.
  3. Y.H. Li (Co-first author), L.H. Li (Co-first author), H. Jiang, L. Qian, M.S. He*, D.L. Zhou, K.L. Jiang, H. Liu*, X.F. Qin, Y. Gao, Q.R. Wu, X.Y. Chi, Z.B. Li*, J. Zhang*, An Efficient Approach Towards Production of Near-Zigzag Single-Chirality Carbon nanotubes, Science Advances, 2024, 10, eadn6519.(Times cited 8)
  4. S. Ling, X.J. Wei,* X. Luo, X. Li, S.L. Li, F.B. Xiong,* W.Y. Zhou, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu*, Surfactant Micelle-Driven High-Efficiency and High-Resolution Length Separation of Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Applications, Small, 2024, 20, 2400303 (Cover Picture),新闻稿
  5.  L.H. Li, J.M. Cui, C.J. Shi, D.H. Yang, W.K. Wang, X.J. Wei, Y.L. Li, W.Y. Zhou, H. Liu*, Cholic acid tuning the binary surfactant system for one-step separation of the enantiomers of (5, 4) carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2024, 222, 119000.
  6. X. Li, W.K. Wang, H.S. Xiao, Y.J. Zhang, C. Liu, S.L. Li, L.H. Li, W. Su, Y.C. Wang, X.J. Wei, Y.L. Li, H.G. Liu, W.Y. Zhou, H. Liu*, Order of magnitude improvement in the transport performance of carbon nanotube films by completely removing surfactants, Carbon, 2024, 218, 118750.(Times cited 3)
  7. D.H. Yang, L.H. Li, X. Li, W. Xi, Y.J. Zhang, Y. Liu, X.J. Wei, W.Y. Zhou, F. Wei, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu*Preparing High-Concentration Individualized Carbon Nanotubes for Industrial Separation of Multiple Single-Chirality Species, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 2491(Times cited 20) 新闻稿 MIT科技评论 Deeptech深科技 AZO Nano Editorial Feature
  8. W. Su (Co-first author), X. Li (Co-first author), L.H. Li, D. Yang, F.T. Wang, X. Wei, W.Y. Zhou, H. Kataura, S.S. Xie, H. Liu*, Chirality-dependent electrical transport properties of carbon nanotubes obtained by experimental measurementNature Communications, 2023, 14, 1672(Times cited 29) (Featured Article) 新闻稿  AZO Nano Editorial Feature
  9. X.J. Wei*, X. Luo, S.L. Li, W.Y. Zhou, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu*, Length-Dependent Enantioselectivity of Carbon Nanotubes by Gel Chromatography, ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 8393. 新闻稿 (Times cited 9)
  10.  Y.Y. Yu, W.K. Wang, X. Li, L.H. Li, S.L. Li, X.J. Wei, W.Y. Zhou, J. Lin, Y. Huang*, H. Liu*, Diameter-dependent photoelectric performances of semiconducting carbon nanotubes/perovskite heterojunctionsNano Research, 2023, 16,12662. (Times cited 6) Highlight by EureAlert!, Phys.org, and Mirage News.
  11. X. Luo, X. Wei*, L. Liu, Z.H. Yao, F. Xiong, W.Y. Zhou, S.S. Xie, H. Liu*, One-step separation of high-purity single-chirality single-wall carbon nanotubes using sodium hyodeoxycholateCarbon, 2023, 207, 129-135. (Times cited 7)
  12.  S.L Li, L.L. Li, X.J. Wei,* W.Y. Zhou, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu,* Chirality-dependent concentration boundaries of single-wall carbon nanotubes for photoluminescence characterization and applicationsNano Research, 2023, 16, 1820-1825.
  13. X. J. Wei,* S.L. Li, W.K. Wang, X. Zhang, W.Y. Zhou, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu*Recent Advances in Structure Separation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application in Optics, Electronics and Optoelectronics, Advanced Science 2022, 9, 2200054 (Invited Review) (Times cited 79)
  14. F.T. Wang, D.H. Yang,  L.H. Li, Y.M. Liu, X.J. Wei,* W.Y. Zhou, H. Kataura, H. Liu* and S.S. Xie, Electronic type and diameter dependence of the intersubband plasmons of single-wall carbon nanotubesAdvanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2107489  (Times cited 7)
  15. C. Ma (Co-first author), Y. M. Liu (Co-first author), L.L. Zhang, L. Qian, Y. M. Zhao, Y. Tian, Q.R. Wu, D. Li, N. Zhao, X.T. Zhang, L. T. Xin, H. Liu,* P. X. Hou, C. Liu, M. S. He,* and J. Zhang,* Bulk growth and separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes from rhenium catalystNano Research, 2022, 15, 5775  (Times cited 6)
  16. D.H. Yang, L.H. Li, X.J. Wei, Y.C. Wang, W.Y. Zhou, H. Kataura, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu*, Submilligram-scale separation of near-zigzag single-chirality carbon nanotubes by temperature controlling a binary surfactant systemScience Advances 2021, 7, eabe0084 (Times cited 49新闻稿 (Highlight by 科技部中科院NanoWerk News
  17. W. Su, D. Yang, J. Cui, F. Wang, X. Wei, W. Zhou, H. Kataura, S. S. Xie,  H. Liu,* Ultrafast wafer-scale assembly of uniform and highly dense semiconducting carbon nanotube films for optoelectronics, Carbon 163 (2020) 370. (Times cited 17) Highlight by Lab Motif.
  18.  S. Li, D. Yang, J. Cui, Y. Wang, X. Wei, W. Zhou, H. Kataura, S.S. Xie, and H. Liu,Quantitative analysis of the intertube coupling effect on the photoluminescence characteristics of distinct (n, m) carbon nanotubes dispersed in solutionNano Research 13 (2020) 1149
  19. X. Zeng,  D. H. Yang, H. Liu,* N. G. Zhou, Y. Wang, W. Y. Zhou, S. S. Xie, and H. Kataura, Detecting and Tuning the Interactions between Surfactants and Carbon Nanotubes for Their High-Efficiency Structure Separation, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1700727 (Times cited 48)
  20. D.H. Yang, J. Hu, H. Liu,* S. Li, W. Su, Q. Li, N. Zhou, Y. Wang, W. Y. Zhou, S. S. Xie, H. Kataura, Structure Sorting of Large-diameter Carbon Nanotubes by NaOH Tuning the Interactions between Nanotubes and GelAdvanced Functional Materials 2017,27, 1700278(Times cited 27新闻稿
  21. D. Yu, H. Liu*, L.-M. Peng, S. Wang*. Flexible Light-Emitting Devices Based on Chirality-Sorted Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Films. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 3462−3467.(Times cited 25)
  22. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura, Optical Isomer Separation of Single-Chirality Carbon Nanotubes Using Gel Column ChromatographyNano Letters 2014, 14, 6237.  (Times cited 70) 新闻稿
  23. H. Liu, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, H. Kataura. High-efficiency single-chirality separation of carbon nanotubes using temperature-controlled gel chromatographyNano Letters 2013, 13, 1996. (Times cited 180
  24. H. Liu, D. Nishide, T. Tanaka, H. Kataura. Large-scale single-chirality separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by simple gel chromatographyNature Communications 2011, 2, 309 (Times cited 909) Highlight by Nanowerk Nanotechnology News, Wikipedia
  25. H. Liu, D. Takagi, S. Chiashi, Y. Homma. Transfer and alignment of random single-walled carbon nanotube films by contact printingACS Nano 2010, 4, 933.  (Times cited 47)
  26. H. LiuY. Feng, T. Tanaka, Y. Urabe, H. Kataura. Diameter-Selective Metal/Semiconductor Separation of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes by Agarose Gel. Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2010,114, 9270–9276 (Times Cited 110).
  27. H. Liu, D. Takagi, H. Ohno, S. Chiashi, T. Chokan, Y. Homma*. The growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes on a silica substrate without using a metal catalyst. Carbon 2010, 48, 114-122 (Times Cited 56)
  28. H. Liu*, D. Takagi, H. Ohno, S. Chiashi, T. Chokan, Y. Homma*. Growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes from ceramic particles by alcohol chemical vapor deposition. Appl. Phys. Express, 2008, 1, 014001. (Times Cited 91).


  1. 一种碳纳米管的分离方法,ZL20191023221.0
  2. 一种碳纳米管薄膜的制备方法,ZL201710860361.7
  3. 单一手性碳纳米管及其镜像体宏量分离方法,ZL201811503891.7
  4. 一种提高单分散的碳纳米管分散液浓度的方法,ZL201910232659.2
  5. 一种无支撑单一取向碳纳米管薄膜的制备及转移方法,ZL201610857060.4,
  6. 一种单一取向碳纳米管薄膜喷印排布方法,ZL201610914928.X
  7. 可编码执行器及其控制方法和微机器人,ZL201510431944.9
  8.  碳纳米管分离方法, ZL201510084560.4
  9. Method of separating and collecting carbon nanotube and carbon nanotube, 美国专利, US8715607B2.
  10. Methods of more simple separation and collection of carbon nanotubes, 美国专利, US8512668 B2.


  1. 国家重点研发项目;
  2. 基金委国际合作重点项目;
  3. 基金委重点项目
  4. KJW项目
  5. 中科院先导B
  6. 中科院前沿重点项目 




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